Optimizing Shopware Performance: Key ideas

The foundation of a fast Shopware store is a strong hosting environment.

Optimizing Shopware Performance: Key ideas
Written by
Markus Lorenz
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Shopware Performance: Server and Hosting Environment

The base of a fast Shopware shop is a good hosting environment. Look for a provider that is Shopware specialized and offers scalable solutions for high traffic. Also optimize your server settings like PHP and MySQL to speed up your shop. These settings ensure your server runs smooth and can handle multiple requests at the same time. Enabling PHP OPCache to cache PHP scripts in the main memory saves computing power and performance by not having to convert the script into a machine readable format before each execution.

Use HTTP Cache and Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Caching and CDNs are key to faster load times. Implementing an HTTP cache can speed up performance by storing responses in cache. Moving the Shopware cache and sessions from the file system to Redis can speed up performance. Shopware’s built-in caching mechanisms like the Shopware cache can reduce the load on your server by storing frequently accessed data so your site is faster for returning visitors. Also using a CDN can distribute your content worldwide. So no matter where your customers are they will have fast load times which reduces latency and enhances their shopping experience. These caching strategies can help you get the maximum performance for your Shopware shop.

Optimize your Database

A healthy database is key to performance. An ERP system can also impact database performance so make sure it’s optimized for data handling. Regularly perform database maintenance like indexing and cleaning up unused data can improve query performance. Also optimize your SQL queries to reduce execution time and your Shopware shop will run smooth. A clean database means fast data retrieval which is crucial for fast page loads and a good user experience.

Compress images and use lazy loading to speed up loading time

Images are part of any eCommerce site but they can also slow it down and increase loading time if not optimized. Compressing images without losing quality can speed up load times. Measuring and analyzing loading times can help you find bottlenecks and areas to improve. Tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim can help you with that. Implementing lazy loading for images and other media so they only load when needed speeds up the initial page load time.

Monitor performance to prevent poor performance

Monitoring your Shopware shop regularly can help you find and fix issues before they affect your customers. Disabling the admin worker and managing the message queue via the CLI Worker can speed up performance. Check out the Shopware Performance Guide for more information on how to monitor and optimize your shop. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or New Relic can give you insights into your shop’s performance and where to improve. Managing the message queue properly can also help to keep performance optimal. Regular performance audits ensure your shop is fast and stable. Monitoring tools to analyze individual pages and the whole shop is key to performance optimization.

User Experience

An optimized shop is not only about better performance it’s also about a good user experience. Performance optimization is key for any Shopware shop to speed up loading times and overall user experience. Make sure your website’s navigation is intuitive and fast so customers can find products quickly. Also streamline the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment and improve conversion rates. A user friendly website will get customers back.

By following these simple steps you can speed up your Shopware shop. A faster and stable eCommerce site will not only improve customer satisfaction but also your search engine rankings, more traffic and more sales.

Need help with your Shopware shop? Contact datrycs. Our experts will help you with custom solutions to get your shop running smooth. Get in touch with us to learn more how we can help you succeed in eCommerce. Having issues? Our support team is here to help with performance optimization and technical questions.