6 Benefits of using Composable Commerce Accelerator

One of the hidden costs of traditional eCommerce platforms is the ongoing cost of updates

6 Benefits of using Composable Commerce Accelerator
Written by
Markus Lorenz
Published on
Aug 30, 2024

Imagine your online store - smooth, easy to use and ready to face the world. But building it feels like pushing a car up a hill in melted snow. Traditional ecommerce platforms are often inflexible and time-consuming to customise, leaving you stuck in the slow lane.

This is where the Composable Commerce Accelerator comes in. Why do you need it? By allowing you to create a customised online store that resonates with your brand and target audience. Instead of accepting a generic platform, this tool allows you to pick and choose the optimal features to create a shopping experience specific to your business.

Here's why a composable commerce accelerator from datrycs  and Hygraph is the secret weapon your business needs:

No more eCommerce templates limitations

Traditional ecommerce systems often limit your creativity by providing fixed templates that make your site look like everyone else's. But with the datrycs and Hygraph Composable Commerce Accelerator, you can break free from these constraints and truly express your brand's unique identity, giving you the freedom to experiment with bold colours, innovative designs and unique user interfaces that reflect the core values of your brand. Whether you want a minimalist aesthetic or something more vibrant and dynamic, you have the choice.

Your online store will make customers come back

Your online store needs to be more than just a place to purchase things. It needs to be a unique and memorable experience. You can create a digital storefront that's unlike any other with a composable commerce accelerator.

Imagine a store that's designed to feel like a personal visit. Every detail, from the colours to the layout, can be customised to reflect your brand. This helps you connect with your customers on a deeper level, making them feel like they're part of your brand story.

When your store is unique and personal, it's easier to stand out in a crowded marketplace. This can help you attract new customers and keep them coming back.

Your online store effortlessly adapts to the traffic

Traditional ecommerce platforms often start to struggle when a business starts to grow fast. As you add more products, collect more customer data or expand into new markets, these platforms can become sluggish, difficult to manage and may even require costly upgrades to keep up. This can slow down your business and frustrate your customers.

Composable commerce accelerators, on the other hand, are built to grow with your business. They are designed with scalability in mind, so as your business grows, your online store can easily handle the increased load. This ensures that your platform remains fast, efficient and ready to handle more traffic and transactions without missing a beat. In other words, as your business grows, your store grows with it, effortlessly and affordably.

You will be adapting easily to new opportunities

As your business grows and evolves, you'll likely encounter new opportunities to reach more customers and increase revenue. Whether it's entering new markets, adding new sales channels, or expanding your product offerings, a composable accelerator makes it easy to adapt your online store without starting from scratch.

Here's how a composable commerce accelerator can help you seize new opportunities:

  • Global expansion: Easily add support for different languages, currencies, and shipping options to reach customers worldwide.
  • Multi-channel sales: Integrate with social media platforms, marketplaces, and other channels to expand your reach and increase sales.
  • Product diversification: Quickly add new product categories, variants, and customisation options to cater to evolving customer preferences.

Your store will be what your competitors dream about

Every day that your online store isn't live is a lost opportunity for sales, customer engagement and market presence. Standard eCommerce platforms can be slow to get up and running, often requiring complicated configuration and customised development. This lengthy process can slow your business down. It can also give your competitors a lead.

Our accelerator is designed to get your business up and running much faster, saving you time and money. With pre-loaded features and out-of-the-box components, the platform eliminates the need for time-consuming custom development and complex setups. Instead of getting stuck coding from scratch or dealing with rigid templates, you can focus on what really matters - getting your store up and running and generating revenue quickly.

Think of the datrycs and Hygraph accelerator as a high-performance race car that's already built and ready to go. Key components such as payment gateways, product catalogues and customer service tools are already in place and optimised for efficiency. All you need to do is add your branding, customise the interface to reflect your business identity and you're ready to go. This optimised process allows you to get your online store up and operating in minimum time.

But a fast start is not just about saving time, it's about staying one step ahead of the competition. The sooner your store is live, the sooner you can start attracting customers, making revenue and building your brand.  

With the speed and efficiency of the datrycs Composable Commerce Accelerator, you'll position your business to take advantage of new opportunities as they arise, rather than playing catch-up.

You are saving money in the long-term

When you are considering a new eCommerce platform, the costs can seem overwhelming. But it's important to consider the long-term financial benefits that a composable commerce accelerator can offer. While the investment upfront may be higher than traditional platforms, the ability to customise, extend and integrate effortlessly can lead to significant savings over time. What do we mean by this:  

- Traditional ecommerce platforms often come with a lot of features that you may never use, but you're still paying for them. Or worse, if these platforms lack the specific features your business needs, you may have to spend extra on custom development, which can be both time-consuming and expensive. With a composable commerce accelerator, you only pay for the features and components your business needs. This means you can integrate the best tools for your specific needs and avoid the unnecessary costs of packaged solutions that don't fit your business perfectly.

- One of the hidden costs of traditional eCommerce platforms is the ongoing cost of updates, upgrades and modifications. As your business grows, you may need new features or integrations that weren't part of your original setup, leading to costly and disruptive overhauls. A composable commerce accelerator, on the other hand, is designed to be flexible and future-proof. Its modular design allows you to easily add, remove or update components as your needs evolve, without the need for major reconfigurations. This adaptability ensures that your platform can grow with your business, providing a greater return on investment in the long term.

Your business will be happy, because your costumers are happy

A key benefit of a composable commerce accelerator is its ability to deliver personalised shopping experiences. Customers expect more than just a basic transaction; they want interactions based on their preferences. With a composable commerce accelerator, you can easily add features such as personalised product recommendations, targeted promotions and content that dynamically adapts to individual tastes. This kind of customisation not only increases customer satisfaction, but also increases your revenue and average order value.

Another key factor in customer satisfaction is a fast and smooth checkout process. Slow or complicated checkout processes often lead to shopping cart abandonment. With the composable commerce accelerator you have  advanced checkout solutions that simplify the buying process.

When customers are happy, they're more likely to return, make repeat purchases and recommend your store to others. By using the flexibility and features of a composable commerce accelerator, you can create a shopping experience that not only meets, but exceeds customer expectations. This leads to stronger customer relationships, higher retention rates and a more successful business overall.

Are you tired of being stuck in the slow lane?

Our Composable Commerce Accelerator can help your business move faster. It's flexible, affordable and will keep your customers happy. Contact us today to learn how we can help you build a successful online store.